Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday Review

A few weeks ago I purchased the Promist mop by O-Cedar at Wal-Mart. I've been a die hard Swiffer Wet Jet user for three years, but I always seem to run out of pads or juice when my floors are their dirtiest. Due to the power of the green movement, a lot of companies have come out with spray mops that have washable pads and bottles that hold your own homemade cleaning solution. Since no one in the greater Baltimore or Southern Pennsylvania areas seem to carry Libman or Rubbermaid, I went with the Promist.
I first tried it out this past week on my vinyl kitchen floor (oh vinyl how I loathe you, one day I will replace you with ceramic tile). First let me just say, my husband and I manage to spill every imaginable liquid and drag every piece of dirt across this floor. Second, the vinyl has grooves where the "grout" lines are, which traps all manner of aforementioned spills and dirt. The Swiffer pad was never able to penetrate these grooves, thus my white "grout" turned in to gray "grout" which eventually turned into black "grout" when I refused to scrub it by hand. The Promist has a slightly thicker microfiber pad which removes this gunk with a little bit of elbow grease. That is a big improvement to me having to scrub it by hand. Plus, the pads clean easily in the washer. Just be sure not to use fabric softener, it causes the pad to lose it's ability to absorb. Plus, the refillable bottle means you'll never run out of solution. I've included my recipe below.
Overall, the Promist is a good choice if you want a more eco-friendly spray mop to use every day or for quick clean up. However, nothing can replace the good old fashioned bucket and scrub brush. Except for maybe a maid :-).

Floor cleaning solution

- 1 cup bleach

- 1 cup Krud Kutter (available at Home Depot, you can use any other solution, just be sure it doesn't contain ammonia)

- 14 cups of water
Combine all ingredients in a gallon jug and store.

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