A few weeks back, this bathing suit was all over the news. Parents all over grabbed their pitchforks and torches (or iPhones held up high with their screens on) and demanded Abercrombie & Fitch stop selling the item. They claimed child endangerment, child pornography, and everything in between. I know, I know, normally my posts have a humorous slant to them. But nothing makes me blow my top more than things like this. So if you're expecting the normal post, stop reading now.
First, Abercrombie & Fitch is a company operating in a capitalist economy (or so-so, but that's for another post and blog). The head baddie at A&F didn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey, you know what we should sell to corrupt our nation's youth? Push up bikinis for pre-teens. To the Bat Cave!" No, companies like A&F invest in things like market research before investing millions in a new product. The real shame here is that their research uncovered a market for an item like this. So on to point two...
Second, how about a little parenting here people? And no, I don't mean from your kids' teachers, coaches, or the cast of Glee. I mean from you, their parent. Instill in them values like charity, modesty, and kindness. Foster an open line of communication between you and your children. Lead by example. And for the love of all things holy, don't strive to be your kids' friend. Strive to be their parent. Do you think Patton was friends with his troops? No, he was their leader because that's what the circumstances called for, and they admired and respected him. Be your child's Patton.
Third, accept the fact that you can't shelter your children from everything. They will be exposed to things like peer pressure, body image issues, and that darn social ladder. But that's where a strong foundation of values and morals comes into play. So Betty Sue got the latest and greatest push up bra bikini and the boys can't wait to see her in it at the swim club. But guess what, your child Sally isn't in the least bit jealous, why? Because she values modesty and doesn't see her mom prancing around in a g-string at the beach.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether you teach your kids values from a spiritual, cultural, or basic human perspective, all that matters is that you do it, and live every day of your life being a walking, talking, breathing example. And guess what, things like this teensy weensy bikini won't even be a blip on the radar.
Love the Patton comment. Great movie and great guy to read about. He was actually brought up pretty proper but understood that his troops would respect a leader who from time to time would be brash and get down to there level. Old Blood and Guts is a great example of good leadership... and its that what parenting is all about?