Friday, May 20, 2011

Warning: Offensive Language Ahead

Everyone remembers the first time they heard their parents cuss. And I don't mean "damn" or "hell," I mean f-bomb level stuff. For Scooter, I'm pretty sure she heard it within the first fifteen minutes of her life. See around this household, four (and some three, five, seven, and eight) letter words are used like MSG at a Chinese Buffet... they're in every-f*cking-thing. Sure, the hubs and I said we would cut it out when Scooter was born, but cut to 14 months later and I'm pretty sure my kid just said "ass" the other day at lunch.

Cussing is a hard, and I mean H.A.R.D., habit to break. I remember making a conscious decision in seventh grade to start spicing up my language, and I haven't looked back since. Example: I was in a meeting at work with the President and Vice President of Corporate World* along with pretty much the head of every division. When the President asked if my department could pull something off, my reply was "Does a bear shit in the woods?" Seriously, those words came out of my mouth, in a meeting, with the whole company. Thankfully, I was pretty chummy chummy with everyone and I already had a redneckish reputation around the office, but still, that would generally be considered inappropriate for most business meetings. Well, maybe not if you worked for someone like Larry the Cable Guy, but I do not, and my bosses don't wear cut off flannel shirts and dip Skoal Mint.

So, back to Scooter. I've tried really hard to cut it off, but so far I've only been able to eliminate the really bad words. I mean, when I get head butted in the nose by a tired toddler, a "Goddammit" is gonna fly. And it's not like I'm using it in my everyday conversations with her. I don't get her dressed and say "You are so f*cking cute!" Usually it's something like "Please don't eat those wipes, rip off your diaper, pee on the floor, and head butt me in the nose." Besides, if she picks something up, I have one of two options: a. Tell everyone she's trying to say something else, like "sit" or "duck." b. Blame the hubs.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

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